
Pronunciation: ay-waze
Literal Meaning: Horse
Other Names: Eh, Eoh
Phonetic Value: E
Rune Poems
Anglo Saxon Eh byþ for eorlum æþelinga wyn, hors hofum wlanc, ðær him hæleþ ymb[e] welege on wicgum wrixlaþ spræce and biþ unstyllum æfre frofur.
Eh is for earls, a prince's glory in the presence of warriors. A horse's hooves are proud when heroes are about it, the wealthy on war steeds converse, it is always a source of comfort to the restless.
Norwegian Not listed.
Icelandic Not listed.

Ehwaz is a rune of transportation, where Raido represents the journey itself, Ehwaz is the mode of travel.

It often denotes a means or need to travel, so could also be considered the rune of wanderlust.


Rune Lore
