
Elder Futhark

Anglo Saxon
Pronunciation: gee-foo
Literal Meaning: Gift
Other Names: Gebo, Geofu
Phonetic Value: J or G
Rune Poems
Anglo Saxon Gyfu gumena byþ gleng and herenys, ƿraþu and ƿyrþscype and ƿræcna gehƿam ar and ætƿist, ðe byþ oþra leas.
To gift is to bring one splendor and praise, support and worthiness; it furnishes help and subsistence to all broken men who are devoid of aught else.
Norwegian Not listed.
Icelandic Not listed.

Gyfu is the rune of balance, exchange and unions. In early Norse tradition gifts were often exchanged to seal a pact or oath.


Rune Lore
