
Elder Futhark

Anglo Saxon
Pronunciation: eng-waze
Literal Meaning: Yngvi, a hero of the ancient Germanic tribes, possibly the god Freyr himself
Other Names: Ingwaz, Ing
Phonetic Value: ing
Rune Poems
Anglo Saxon Ing wæs ærest mid est Denum gesewen secgun, oþ he siððan eft ofer wæg gewat; wæn æfter ran; ðus Heardingas ðone hæle nemdun.
Ing was first seen by men among the Danes of the east, till he went back over the wet way and his chariot ran after him. So the Heardingas named the hero.
Norwegian Not listed.
Icelandic Not listed.

Inguz is the rune of just and successful leadership as well as life's achievements.

Freyr was originally a title similar to “lord”. It was often used as an epithet for Yngvi, and the later Inguz, who was a hero god in Scandinavia. He is the legendary sire of the Ingvaeones. Whether it was a god or a hero that sat upon the throne of the ancient Danes the result was the same. There was a hero king under whose rule the country flourished.


Rune Lore
