
The chrysoprase is a translucent green agate. The name comes from the Greek khryso’ phrasos which means golden green. It is a stone that is often imitated by dying gray agates, or passing off semiopaque green jaspers as chrysoprase. True chrysoprase has an depth that makes it appear to shine with an inner glow.

The stone is sometimes grouped into smaragdos with other green stones, but many of the lapidaries are carful to provide a description of the modern chrysoprase with a unique folkloric profile. Rather than warding off misfortune, the chrysoprase gave the wearer the ability to endure suffering and hardship without loosing grace. An interesting virtue that is not attributed to any other stone. Some of the early lapidaries claim the stone represents faith and is sacred to the virgin Mary.

Perhaps with this connection it is not surprising that the stone was also imbued with the ability to protect the wearer from treachery, poison, and make the wearer prosperous. Strangely it is also supposed to confound the devil and make his works void, and has powers over night hags and paralysis.

One of the more interesting claims is that the power of the gem grows with good works.


Translucent Green


Chrysoprase is found worldwide.


SiO2, semipellucid crystallized quartz silicate


6 - 7


Stone List
